Saturday 1 November 2008


This is the new blog for all of my reviews. More professional than my normal blog and hopefully something that'll help me out in the foreseeable future with a job reviewing games. Although I'm a physics student, games are a massive part of my life and I would not be exagerating to say that a job with games far outweighs my desire to be a physicist (although I do enjoy both).

This is under my actual online name, Killaguy. Whereas my other blog is under my secondary online name, Dark-kai 3. Both representing a slightly different part of me. Killaguy is the gaming side, while Dark-kai3 is the side with represents my life as a whole.

Anyway, enough about my backstory of games and reviewing. I'll now allow you access to the inner recesses of my thoughts on the countless games I have played, and will play in my life.

Jonny (Killaguy)

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